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Writer's pictureSamuel Joseph

Dying in a Black Hole

Updated: Feb 24, 2023

If I was about to die and I had a choice to pick from a black hole the size of Jupiter and an entire galaxy I would definitely pick the black hole the size of the galaxy which are called Supermassive Black Holes. Since we can't see the black holes of the black holes, the only way to research them is to know how it reacts with other matter around it. We can detect these black holes by quasars and accretion discs. We only see the event horizon which is the boundry of the blackhole. Inside the black hole is a singularity which is really small but really dense. Black holes are formed when a stars loses it fusion and they start to fuse heavier elements until they have too much iron which will cause it to explode which can be a neutron star or a black hole.

If I were to approach the event horizon we wouldn't feel time like on earth and it is slower and eventually we would disappear and we would get torn apart into pieces with the intense pressure and strong gravitation pull. The other option is we would die instantly by approaching a firewall. How fast we die is determined by the size of the black hole and that is why I think a supermassive blackhole is a much better choice because it will take some time before we actually die by getting compressed. In any black hole we enter there is no escaping unless we travel faster than light because even light that enters it cannot escape.

Credit: Cedric von Niederhausern / The Atlantic

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